Messages MIDI 1.0
Le tableau suivant répertorie les principaux messages MIDI 1.0 par ordre numérique (binaire)
Ce tableau est destiné à donner un aperçu du MIDI et n'est en aucun cas complet.
Table 1: MIDI 1.0 Specification Message Summary |
Status |
Data Byte(s) |
Description |
1000nnnn |
0kkkkkkk |
Note Off event. (voir détail chapitre Détails messages Notes) |
1001nnnn |
0kkkkkkk |
Note On event. |
1010nnnn |
0kkkkkkk |
Polyphonic Key Pressure (Aftertouch). |
1011nnnn |
0ccccccc |
Control Change. |
1100nnnn |
0ppppppp |
Program Change. This message sent when the patch number changes. (ppppppp) is the new program number. |
1101nnnn |
0vvvvvvv |
Channel Pressure (After-touch). This message is most often sent by pressing down on the key after it "bottoms out". This message is different from polyphonic after-touch. Use this message to send the single greatest pressure value (of all the current depressed keys). (vvvvvvv) is the pressure value. |
1110nnnn |
0lllllll |
Pitch Bend Change. This message is sent to indicate a change in the pitch bender (wheel or lever, typically). The pitch bender is measured by a fourteen bit value. Center (no pitch change) is 2000H. Sensitivity is a function of the receiver, but may be set using RPN 0. (lllllll) are the least significant 7 bits. (mmmmmmm) are the most significant 7 bits. |
1011nnnn |
0ccccccc |
Channel Mode Messages. |
All Sound Off. When All Sound Off is received all oscillators will turn off, and their volume envelopes are set to zero as soon as possible. c = 120, v = 0: All Sound Off |
Reset All Controllers. When Reset All Controllers is received, all controller values are reset to their default values. (See specific Recommended Practices for defaults). |
Local Control. When Local Control is Off, all devices on a given channel will respond only to data received over MIDI. Played data, etc. will be ignored. Local Control On restores the functions of the normal controllers. |
All Notes Off. When an All Notes Off is received, all oscillators will turn off. |
11110000 |
0iiiiiii |
System Exclusive. |
11110001 |
0nnndddd |
MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame. |
11110010 |
0lllllll |
Song Position Pointer. |
11110011 |
0sssssss |
Song Select. |
11110100 |
Undefined. (Reserved) |
11110101 |
Undefined. (Reserved) |
11110110 |
Tune Request. Upon receiving a Tune Request, all analog synthesizers should tune their oscillators. |
11110111 |
End of Exclusive. Used to terminate a System Exclusive dump (see above). |
11111000 |
Timing Clock. Sent 24 times per quarter note when synchronization is required (see text). |
11111001 |
Undefined. (Reserved) |
11111010 |
Start. Start the current sequence playing. (This message will be followed with Timing Clocks). |
11111011 |
Continue. Continue at the point the sequence was Stopped. |
11111100 |
Stop. Stop the current sequence. |
11111101 |
Undefined. (Reserved) |
11111110 |
Active Sensing. This message is intended to be sent repeatedly to tell the receiver that a connection is alive. Use of this message is optional. When initially received, the receiver will expect to receive another Active Sensing message each 300ms (max), and if it does not then it will assume that the connection has been terminated. At termination, the receiver will turn off all voices and return to normal (non- active sensing) operation. |
11111111 |
Reset. Reset all receivers in the system to power-up status. This should be used sparingly, preferably under manual control. In particular, it should not be sent on power-up. |
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